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This project aims at representing in a symbolic way how chaos might influence our life - and life itself - by using long exposure techniques to illustrate the never ending movement of time and fate

Artist statement

This project aims at representing in a symbolic way how chaos might influence our life - and life itself - by using long exposure techniques to illustrate the never ending movement of time and fate, and express how our own decisions, random new encounters or any butterfly effect occurence can affect life in a positive or negative manner.

The Road to Soylent Green, 2021

This series is about the way the Amazon rainforest is being turned into soy farms for profit and in order to feed our already overpopulated planet.

Based on a 1966 science-fiction novel, Soylent Green is a 1973 American film that takes place in a dystopian future - that happens to be the year 2022 - where the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution, and global warming have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water, and housing.

Back to reality: in 2022, about 17% of the Amazon rainforest has been cut down already for soy farms, cattle ranches, logging, mines and dams. Which makes me think we are walking slowly but surely on the road to Soylent Green.

Days of Passion, 2021

Passion is not about love, it is all about desire. Even if there are various forms of passion, this series aims at representing single nights (or days) of shared sexual passion as well as passionate relationships in a long term perspective. Both physically and emotionally.

Here we were, 2012-ongoing

Some people live an overall quiet life, surrounding themselves with certainty and habits, while some others experience a much more chaotic one, filled with moments of happiness as much as they are filled with loss, grief and despair. But in the end, beyond the way we decide to build ourselves through our own experiences, self-introspection or decisions we make, what really matters the most is the impact of important encounters and events.

Self-Portrait 210822 by Loriental Photography